

Support | Damage



Skill Effects


Baxia Mark
BUFF Debuff

Baxia activates the  Baxia Mark permanently, reducing the final damage received by 25.
At the same time, Baxia will reduce the Shield and HP Regen of [enemy heroes] hit by his skills by 30% for 4 seconds.
Damage ReductionDeduct the final damage (the damage that has deducted by Physical and Magic DEF) by [fixed points] or by percent. But cannot deduct the True Damage.
Regen EffectAttribute that affects the actual HP Regen and Shield. The default ratio is 100%.
Actual HP Regen/Shield = Original HP Regen/Shield × (100% + All Regen Effects Increase% - All Regen Effects Decrease%).


Baxia-Shield Unity
Speed Up CC | Magic Skill

Baxia retracts himself into his shield and accelerates forward [for 9 seconds]. When hitting an enemy unit, he will deal 300-400 (+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to it and nearby enemies, stunning the target for 0.8 second and slightly knocking other nearby enemies back.
During the process of accelerating forward, use this skill again to launch Baxia upward so that he can cross obstacles and enemy minions. When leaping up, if there is an enemy hero under Baxia, he will strike down this hero, dealing 375-500 (+75% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to this hero and nearby enemies, stunning the hit target for 1 second, and slightly knocking other nearby enemy targets back.
StunnedA state that prevents a target from moving, attacking, or using skills.
Knocked BackA state that prevents a target from moving, attacking, or using skills. The target will move away from the caster within the duration.
Magic SkillDeal Magic DMG to enemies. Doesn't trigger Physical Lifesteal, but triggers Magic Lifesteal and Spell Vamp (combined).

Skill 1

Shield of Spirit
Damage Slowed | Magic Skill

Baxia throws his shield forward that will disappear upon hitting an enemy hero or creeps, dealing 125-250 (+120% Total Magic Power) + 6% of the target's Max HP Magic Damage to the target and minions on the path. Meanwhile, marks them for 5 seconds and slows them down by 50% for 1 second.
This skill can be used again [for 5 seconds]. If the shield hits a creep or enemy hero, the cooldown will be reduced by 86%.
Max HPThe maximum HP currently can have.
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
CDThe time needed for casting the skill one more time, which can be affected by CD Reduction (unless otherwise stated).

Skill 2

Tortoise's Puissance
Speed Up AoE | Magic Skill

Baxia deploys a frontal shield and dashes forward, increasing his Movement Speed by 30% for 10-14 seconds. Meanwhile, creates a lava path along the way, dealing 40-60 (+30% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies on the path each 0.5 second and slowing them by 15% for 0.5 second. During the dash, the damage reduction effect last for.
During the dash, the damage reduction effect that endowed by  Baxia Mark will be boosted by 140% (35).
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
Damage ReductionDeduct the final damage (the damage that has deducted by Physical and Magic DEF) by [fixed points] or by percent. But cannot deduct the True Damage.

Skill 3